Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a descriiption of the type of scale used in the instrument. Include a brief discussion of data collection procedures that will be presented in your proposal.
You will be addressing any instruments you may be using. Please note that a statistical test is not an instrument. An instrument may be something you use to collect data; for example, a blood pressure machine. An instrument may simply be a data collection tool. An instrument may be something you use to measure outcomes-for example, a test you administer to measure anxiety before and after an intervention. If possible, find an instrument (sometimes referred to as a tool) that has already been developed and published. If you design your own tool, you need to provide a copy and discuss how you would establish reliability and validity. Developing your own instrument is a daunting task. I don’t recommend it. On the other hand, all you may need to do is develop a simple data collection tool and that is fine.
Before you select an instrument (if one is even needed), look at your PICOT question. If your dependent variable is falls, don’t add an instrument that measures quality of life. In other words, use instruments that only directly address your question. If you have questions about this, the discussion area is where to ask.
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