Review the seven Ps of services marketing. How would they change your strategy i

Review the seven Ps of services marketing. How would they change your strategy in the simulation? How do the challenges of executing the additional Ps of services marketing relate to your previous, current, or potential work experiences based on industry? Provide specific examples.
Kennon Nunez
Feb 5, 2024, 11:42 PM
The 7 Ps of Service Marketing
Physical Evidence
Potential strategy changes within our SIM:
While creating and executing a marketing plan, a business should keep the seven Ps of service marketing in mind. Product, pricing, placement, promotion, people, process, and tangible evidence are the seven Ps of service marketing (Indeed, 2023). For the simulation, I would alter a few items pertaining to the seven principles. I would give the simulation’s promotion component more attention. The main goals of promotion are to raise brand awareness and demonstrate to prospective consumers the high caliber of the brand (Indeed, 2023). In order to give the company’s products the most exposure possible to potential buyers in a given market, I would devote more time and financial resources to their promotion through various media channels. I would also give the 7 Ps population more attention. The business should put more of an emphasis on teaching employees how to deal with consumers and how to make investments to improve customer service (Indeed, 2023).
Relating to Current Work Experience
Because of the COVID outbreak, the healthcare organization I work for had to make adjustments. The seven Ps of service marketing had to be modified by our business due to the significant shifts in service availability and demand. The company had to concentrate on encouraging telehealth appointments and teaching employees on how to arrange and carry out these appointments. Employees needed to receive training on how to manage patients’ expectations and run a successful telemedicine appointment. Since then, the company has encouraged telehealth appointments and witnessed a sharp rise in the quantity of virtual visits.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Kennon Nunez
Indeed Editorial Team. (2023). 7 Ps of Service Marketing (And Why They’re Important). Indeed.

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