Response 1: In Project 2 Q4, we approached the question differently. For myself,

Response 1: In Project 2 Q4, we approached the question differently. For myself, I considered sustainability from the perspective of having people as a resource to complete the project and you considered sustainability from the perspective of balancing the progress of the project with environmental impact. I think both of these methods are valid for the long-term viability of the project i.e. you can’t complete the project if you can’t maintain volunteers because you are overworking them and you can’t have an Arboretum if those volunteers are trampling all over stuff. I wonder if other perspectives could be termed a sustainable pace outside of available volunteers and environmental impact? Do you think we would have to shut the park to accommodate any signage installation that the volunteers are working on? Or possibly funds or expenditures? Response 2: Project Part One This impressed me as being really powerful. I believe you have written the most out of all of us, as the opening is quite detailed. It looks great, and I agree with everything you’ve said. I’m not sure if we need to include additional expectations from the sponsor in the section regarding the funds. Case 2 and I were really similar. I am aware that they would lease the Arboretum space.

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