REQUIRED READINGS Chapter Eleven: Distribution Chapter Twelve: Promotion Chapte

Chapter Eleven: Distribution
Chapter Twelve: Promotion
Chapter Thirteen: Advertising
Berkowitz, Eric N. Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (5th Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021. 
Question One: In recent years, several nationally known healthcare providers have established satellite facilities a great distance from their main clinic locations. The Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota, has opened facilities in Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota as well as an office for referrals in Mexico City. The Cleveland Clinic has opened a Brain Institute in Nevada, a facility in Florida, and a hospital in Abu Dhabi and a recently opened hospital in London. As the chapter also described, the Hospital for Special Surgery has opened multiple locations beyond its sole location in midtown Manhattan with a separate hospital in Florida. Explain the changes in distribution intensity these actions represent. Provide illustrations
Questions Two: In the discussion on emotions in advertising, an advertisement from 2014 was highlighted that did not directly pertain to health care. What was it particularly about this advertisement that leads to positive feelings? In what way might a healthcare organization similarly capitalize on such an approach? In considering your answer, look at this advertisement by the Cleveland Clinic ( This advertisement is one of a series that the Cleveland Clinic produced. Who is the market for this ad in the campaign? Does it engender the same emotional response?REQUIREMENTS: (non-compliance will result in Zero credit)
Minimum TWO-page report. Arial 11, 1.15 line spacing, Word/PDF document.
Cite references in APA format. 
Use appropriate terminology. Use content from required readings. 
Provide clear illustrations
Inference is key. Do not copy/paste or simply repeat what is given. 
Incomplete/sloppy work will not be graded. 

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