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Path-Goal and Leader-Member Exchange Approaches to Leadership
As an employee of the organization, my knowledge of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory of leadership has provided me insight on what makes a good leader in my organization, recognizing the suttle but effective actions from leaders to their employees to move them into the high-quality leader-member exhange. This new knowledge has changed the way I see different type of leaders and the way they try to motivate their employees and get the most out of them, within their means. The Leader-Member Exhange Theory opened my eyes to “in group” activities that leaders use to include employees and help them feel comfortable in their environment, which got to me to think about how I could have used these methods to employees feel more included in their work environment and help them achieve their goals and desires.
As a leader in my organization, I would try to recognize activities that moves employees closer to high-qaulity leader-member exchange, which reflect on job satisfaction as in-group members typically receive more trust, autonomy, and support from their leader, leading to a greater sense of ownership over their work, increased intrinsic motivation, and overall higher job satisfaction. In addition to Improved performance and productivity, trust and support from the leader create a more positive work environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas, and collaborating effectively leading to improved individual and team performance, higher productivity, and achieving organizational goals (Jha & Jha, 2013). These reflect heavely on an roganization that is characterized by high-quality leader-member exchanges by reduceding turnover and absenteeism through fostering a positive work environment with lower stress and greater job satisfaction, resulting in decreased employee turnover and absenteeism, saving the organization time and resources associated with recruitment and training. As well as enhanced leadership development, leaders who actively cultivate high-quality relationships become more effective communicators, mentors, and coaches, which creates a talent pipeline for future leadership positions and strengthens the organization’s leadership development initiatives (Van Breukelen et al, 2006).
By focusing on nurturing positive leader-member relationships across the organization, leaders can unlock a powerful force for achieving organizational success and creating a thriving work environment for all.
References: Jha, S., & Jha, S. (2013). Leader-member exchange: A critique of theory & practice. Journal of Management & Public Policy, 4(2).
Van Breukelen, W., Schyns, B., & Le Blanc, P. (2006). Leader-member exchange theory and research: Accomplishments and future challenges. Leadership, 2(3), 295-316.

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