Read the Introduction and Section 1 (from pages 3 to 14) of the document Structu

Read the Introduction and Section 1 (from pages 3 to 14) of the document Structured Interviews: A Practical Guide Download Structured Interviews: A Practical Guide. You need to have a clear understanding of what structured and behavioral interviews are.
Assignment Instructions:
In this assignment, you’ll be writing interview questions that can assess Self-Management Abilities. You’ll be writing interview questions for the two criteria for assessing self-management abilities: 1) Self Motivated (the ability to stay motivated and accomplish tasks) and 2) Adaptability (the ability to pivot when unexpected changes occur).
Using the Interview Question Format that was provided in the file Structured Interviews: A Practical Guide, write behavioral interview questions for assessing ‘self-management abilities.’ For each criterion to be assessed, you’ll need to write at least one main question and four follow-up questions. For the follow-up questions, you’ll need to write at least one question per category within the S-T-A-R framework. In other words, you’ll need to write at least one follow-up question that asks the situational aspect, one follow-up question that asks the task-related aspect, one follow-up question that asks the action-related aspect, and one follow-up question that asks the result-related aspect of the interviewee’s answer to the main question. So, in total, you’ll need to have at least 10 questions (one main question and four follow-up questions per criterion multiplied by two criteria).
Attachment Interview Question Format– ATTACHED FILE
Some Tips
As in the reading, the purpose of the behavioral interview is to gather information on past experiences. So, your questions should NOT be future-oriented. For example, your questions should not be about an ‘opinion’ or ‘what would the applicant do in a certain situation (or the future).’
In writing the interview questions, make sure that the interview questions are valid. Validity is about assessing the things that we should assess. So, for assessing the criterion of ‘doing one’s work with perfection,’ the interview question “Tell us your experience of working with people from different cultures” would be low in validity. The question would be high in validity in assessing criteria like ‘adaptability’ or ‘openness.’ (Rather, a question like “Tell us an experience in which you received compliments from others for doing your work with perfection.” would be high in validity in assessing the ‘doing one’s work with perfection’ criterion).

Important Notes: In writing the interview questions, use the Interview Question Format that was provided with this instruction file.
In writing your answers, NEVER copy and paste any part of the textbook or any other sources. Write the answers in your own words. If more than seven consecutive words are identical to writing from another source (including the textbook, your past works, and any other sources), it will be considered plagiarism, and you will receive a failing grade “F” in this course. You will also be referred to Students Affairs.

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