Prompt: For this assignment, you are tasked with researching your topic of choic

For this assignment, you are tasked with researching your topic of choice in order to find sources that you might use in your research project. An annotated bibliography isn’t a task where you’re looking for the final sources you’ll use in your essay, it’s a way to start the research process and evaluate each source to determine if you’ll end up using it in the final draft. You will need to find, read, and evaluate at least four (4) sources for this assignment. For each source, you will create a citation (like you would include on the works cited page). Underneath that citation, you’ll make some notes discussing why, or why not, you will use the source for your essay. You will have a series of specific questions to answer for each source (below). This research will help you narrow down and evaluate the evidence you will include in your research project. While you’re finding at least four (4) sources for this annotated bibliography, you may end up not using some of them. In the end, you’ll have to include at least four (4) sources in your research paper. You may find four that you love in doing this assignment (the annotated bibliography), or you may only find two (which would mean that you would have to find at least two more to include in the essay, but you don’t have to do an annotated bibliography for those).
MLA formatting (see MLA citations
Four (4) sources Questions to Answer for Each Source (In paragraph form):
Type of source (online article, TED Talk, Book, etc.)
Is the source current in terms of the topic you’re covering (some tech information could be considered dated after a year, where something discussing literature may be considered current if it was published within the last five years)
Is the author/s or presenter/s trustworthy?
Summarize the information in one to two sentences.
Is the publisher respected and trustworthy?
What appeal will information from the source provide for your essay? (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
What specific information will you use from this source? (data, anecdote, etc.)
What type of audience would find this source/information credible and effective?
Will you use this source for your paper?
If you’ll use the source, what makes it a good source? If you won’t use it, what made it a bad source for your paper?
Sample Annotated Bibliography can be seen here on the second page of the documentLinks to an external site..

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