Progress Check Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use

Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use a two-way table to examine the relationship between two categorical variables.
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Three steps to complete the assignment
Here is a review of the information from the previous page.
We randomly selected 1,200 participants from the 2020 Race IAT. Below is the two-way table for the sample with the row variable Race and the column variable Crime-Focus. Here is a description of each variable.
Race: IAT participants’ self-reported race.
Crime-Focus: IAT participants’ response to the statement, “Law enforcement officers should pay particular attention to those social groups more heavily involved in crime, even if this means focusing on members of particular ethnic groups.”
Race IAT: Race vs Crime-FocusStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeSlightly DisagreeNeutralSlightly
AgreeRow Totals
Amer Indian/
Alaskan Native31101006
East Asian1765130032
South Asian1641120125
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander30110005
African Am511571101287
Respond to each of the following questions. Be sure to number your responses, show your work, and write your answers in context as we did on the previous page.
Are black IAT participants more likely than whites to strongly agree that law enforcement officers should focus their attention on particular social groups?
Are white IAT participants more likely than multiracial participants to moderately or strongly agree that law enforcement officers should focus their attention on particular social groups?
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