Please introduce yourself to the class. You may talk about what you are majoring

Please introduce yourself to the class. You may talk about what you are majoring in, how many years you have been in college, where you are from, what your interests and hobbies are, etc. (5 points)
Throughout this course, you are required to engage in physical fitness activities. Many Americans do not exercise at the recommended levels necessary to improve their health. The 10 most common reasons adults are not active are listed below.
Do not have enough time to exercise.
• Find it inconvenient to exercise.
• Lack of self-motivation.
• Do not find exercise enjoyable.
• Find exercise boring.
• Lack of confidence in their ability to be physically active.
• Fear being injured or have been injured recently.
• Lack of self-management skills, such as setting personal goals, monitoring progress, or rewarding progress toward such goals.
• Lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends.
• Do not have parks, sidewalks, bicycle trails, or safe and pleasant walking paths convenient to their homes or offices.
Answer the following questions. Write a minimum of three sentences for each answer. Please grammar and spell-check your work before submitting it. (5 Points)
Do you exercise 3-5 times per week?
If your answer is yes and you do exercise 3-5 times per week:
What kind of exercise do you do?
What motivates you to exercise?
How can you inspire others to exercise?
If your answer is no and you do not exercise 3-5 times per week:
What are two reasons you do not exercise?
For each reason give two suggestions on how you can overcome your barriers to physical activity.
Respond to a minimum of three other students. (5 Points) When responding to other students, please write a minimum of one paragraph. Write more than, “I agree” or “great post”. State why you agree or disagree, give examples, include your personal experiences, etc.

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