Please closely follow the format below. Use level one headings (centered, bold,

Please closely follow the format below. Use level one headings (centered, bold, upper- and lower-case letters) for the bold sections below and level 2 headings (flush left, bold, upper, and lower-case letters) for all subpoints (bulleted) under each major heading. Your paper should include the following: ( 10 to 12-page)
Title page
Explain each in a paragraph or two:
What the topic is about
Why you’ve chosen this topic
What you specifically intend to cover in the paper
Description of the issue (approx. 3-4 pages)
Prevalence. How prevalent is the issue in the larger culture?
Contributing factors. Name at least 3 factors might contribute to this crisis occurring.
Core issues. What are the core issues of this crisis that must be addressed in the following areas: 1) cognitive issues, 2) social issues, and 3) emotional issues that come into play in this particular crisis for the major figure(s) involved)? Here you are detailing WHAT the specific issues are. In the next section you will be applying an intervention.
Crisis intervention approach (approximately 6-7 pages)
Scenario. In this section you will first create a 1-2 page fictional scenario about a person in your church that is experiencing the chosen crisis. Go into enough detail to explain a little about the person, how the crisis occurred and what condition (physically, emotionally and socially) the individual is in at the point of contact.
Crisis intervention. Using Robert’s Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model (see link below) you will incorporate the core issues from bullet point 3 (Description of the Issue) above and SHOW how you would apply the suggestions given for each stage of Robert’s model. The overall goal is to promote stabilization and healthy functioning of the individual by the time you reach the final stage.
In addition to the skills you will attempt to apply and explain, you may also suggest outside resources. But, whatever your application, it must be realistic for the type of crisis you have chosen for the individual, be cohesive and reflect sound judgment. In other words, it must be an intervention that could realistically work in the real world. That means you should also be conscious of and mention potential obstacles or areas of resistance you might encounter at various stages.
In each stage you must consciously integrate a biblical worldview into at least a portion of your comments. Don’t spiritualize the point but show how, in each stage, you can view this particular application of the intervention through the lens of a biblical worldview.
Here are the seven stages of Robert’s model. Please address them this order. Use level 3 headings for these stages (indented, bold, lowercase paragraph heading with a period.)
Conduct crisis and biopsychosocial assessment
Rapport building
Identify presenting problem(s)
Explore feelings and emotions
Explore alternatives/resources
Develop an action plan
Follow-up and agreement
Here is a paper detailing Robert’s model. Be sure to carefully read this article before beginning your paper:
Evaluation Form
Instructor Evaluation for Written Work
Trinity International University – Florida
Undergraduate Programs

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