NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resou

Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The
resources you need to complete assignments are to be found in the
assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use of ChatGPT,
Bard, and other forms of AI to complete coursework is defined as a form
of cheating (With the exception of the editor function in Word, which
you are encouraged to utilize.).
Chapter thirteen assignment:
In your own words, respond to the following. Make sure you write in
complete sentences and paragraphs. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Offer a brief summary of the article. Here I am looking for one or
two well-developed paragraphs. Make sure to include in your summary the
1. Identify and discuss the differences between recreational and therapeutic users.
2. Include information about the onset of use and justifications for using prescription drugs. 3. Identify and discuss the similarities between recreational and
therapeutic users, focusing on the “common cognitive and behavioral
themes” (See page 232-235.)
Your submission should be at least three well-developed paragraphs each 200 words
Chapter 13. Drugged Druggists: The Convergence of Two Criminal Career Trajectories, Dean A. Dabney and Richard C. Hollinger

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