* Length: 2-5 pages double space, 12 points Arial or equivalent, 1-inch margins

* Length: 2-5 pages double space, 12 points Arial or equivalent, 1-inch margins all around.
Double Space.
* Heading: The heading is one line that contains the Assignment title, your name, and the due date: “Ind Hw-1 Joe Smith Day/Month/Year” The heading goes inside the 1-inch margin.
* Essay Style. This is a Research Essay Paper, not a Q&A nor a collection of bullet points, or a personal opinion. I want to learn about your ability to do research and present an informed analysis report.
* Footer: The footer is one line that contains the page number. The heading is part of the 1-inch margin
* This is a business report.
It needs to follow the basic rules of business writing; clarity, concise, direct, and supported
* As a framework, you MUST assume you are a Venture Capital investor, and you are presented with this proposal (provided in files) to determine if it should be funded or not. Thus you are assessing if the plan is feasible, if the adjustment of the operation is adequate, and if the requested money will actually be enough to finance the Startup. You can only recommend Full acceptance “as-is” or “full dismissal”. Thus, you need to do a VERY CAREFUL analysis of the proposal to support your final recommendation. This proposal has NOTHING to do with your own Growth plan. Think of it as if your next professional promotion depends on the quality of your analysis -your boss is testing your skills. Your analysis MUST be supported by your very OWN DUE DILIGENT RESEARCH. The analysis must cover AT LEAST the following issues:
1. Executive Summary. Is the executive summary a full, true, and fair representation of the proposal under consideration?
2. Introduction. Is the introduction a true and accurate summary of the company and its current operations? Is the content of the introduction properly link to the proposal and provides the natural seaway to the growth proposal?
3. Proposed Growth Strategy # 1
* Is the strategy properly named and described?
* Is the strategy properly linked to the current operations of this business? In other words, is the strategy properly
* ” leveraging ongoing operations? This is NOT about if you would have chosen this strategy in the first place. This is to asses if the strategy is properly linked to the venture’s current operations.
* Is the strategy properly considering current local and global trends? For instance, is the strategy properly accounting for new tech developments? Is the strategy properly accounting for demographic changes as they are present today and will become as the strategy gets implemented?
* Is the implementation plan for this strategy sound and adequate given the company’s current operational and financial conditions?
* Are the strategy’s described growth outcomes feasible given the company’s operations and the market conditions?
* Are the proposed control metrics for this strategy adequate to monitor the implementation of the strategy?
4. Proposed Growth Strategy # 2
* Is the strategy properly named and described?
* Is the strategy properly linked to the current operations of this business? In other words, is the strategy properly
* leveraging ongoing operations?
This is NOT about if you would have chosen this strategy in the first place. This is to asses if the strategy is properly linked to the venture’s current operations.
* Is the strategy properly considering current local and global trends? For instance, is the strategy properly accounting for new tech developments? Is the strategy properly accounting for demographic changes as they are present today and will become as the strategy gets implemented.
5. Strategy # 1 relationship to Strategy # 2
* Does your analysis clearly indicate if the proposal properly evaluates the link between the two strategies so they either leverage each other (strongly preferable) or if not, if having the two strategies independent from each other is operationally adequate?
* Clearly explain your analysis of the relationship between the two strategies
6. Financials
* Is the “ask” (financial request) adequate to successfully implement the proposed growth strategies? Yes/no, why
* Is there anything else that you can add to this analysis to support your Final recommendation?
7. Research & Analytics
* Are the research and analytics adequate for this proposal?
* Are the sources current and properly informed?
* Is the content of the sources adequate to support the analysis for are the sources just name dropping milestones)?
8. Is there anything else that you can add to this analysis to support your Final recommendation?
1. You MUST include at least 10 references. You may do UP TO 7 from the proposal you are reviewing ONLY if you verify them and can help to the analysis. I want to learn about your ability to SUPPORT YOUR OWN ANALYSIS with current, adequate, and valid research. The references are NOT part of the page limit!
2. You must use APA format for your references

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