Individual Assignment: Application of Theory Paper and Reflection C3. b,c &d Ass

Individual Assignment: Application of Theory Paper and Reflection C3. b,c &d
Assignment Purpose
Nursing theories play a vital role in the evolution of nursing as a discipline. They establish the critical contributions made by the profession and provide nurses with frameworks to guide their practice, grow professionally, and improve the care they deliver to patients. This assignment focuses on the importance of nursing theory within the profession. Selecting one nursing theorist and the middle-range theory they developed (non-nursing ideas are not allowed), the student will present a summary of the set nursing theory, identify opportunities for the application of the theory to a nursing situation (In this course, you have analyzed a middle range theory, you may the theory used in previous discussions). The student will include two scholarly peer-reviewed sources to support the nursing theory chosen.
The two central aims of this assignment are to apply a middle-range nursing theory to clinical practice and to reflect on the experience. Consider the problem described in discussion nine. Write a paper (1,000 to 1,500 words, Approximately three pages) that explains how middle-range theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
A summary of the problem (nursing situation). Describe a nursing situation you have encountered in your clinical placement. The situation can be a specific physiological patient problem or a case involving a vulnerable patient’s family or a staff member. It can also describe your role in problem-solving or an ethical issue you encountered in practice. The key is you need to have been directly involved in the event. You must also maintain the confidentiality of your subjects at all times. Do not identify the patient, staff, or hospital site.
A description of a middle-range theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this middle-range theory appropriate to your identified situation? For example, health promotion, especially preventive care, is essential for ethnic minority groups and
the economically disadvantaged. The Health Promotion Model (HPM) (Pender, 1996; Pender et al., 2010) is a framework for delivering nursing care to support health promotion behaviors. An essential component of a nursing assessment is understanding personal factors (e.g., lack of finances to afford health insurance) and an individual’s perception of the benefits and barriers of engaging in health promotion behaviors. Screening recommendations and health promotion practices can be tailored to the patient’s and family’s cultural values and beliefs, finances, and community support when working with vulnerable populations.
A brief discussion of the middle-range theory’s origins includes a short biography of the theorist and the main concepts of the middle-range theory ( See discussion nine).
Discuss how the middle-range theory has been previously applied ( See discussion nine ).
A discussion of the application of the middle-range theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
The paper should be 2-3 pages, excluding the title and reference pages.
The paper should start with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement.
Use headings and subheadings to organize the paper.
Using the diagram below, reflect on the following questions:
Think about a nursing situation (necessary experience).
Consider the selected theory or parts theory while it is implemented in your nursing care.
As you apply theory, identify your emotions.
Have you experienced this nursing situation before applying the theory
What did I learn from completing this experience?
How have I been changed by what I’ve learned?
Application of Theory Paper Rubric (1)
Application of Theory Paper Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBiography
10 ptsOutstanding
Well organized information about the theorists is fluently presented and focused on important points and contributes to understanding the theory.
5 ptsAcceptable
Clear and relevant information about the theorists is presented with clarity.
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
Information was presented about the theorists, but numerous key happenings were omitted or misrepresented and/or organization lacked clarity and contribution to understanding the theories
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Ideas
10 ptsOutstanding
Well organized summarization of the theorys’ key points and assumptions; important terms are explained well; titles of key writings and research findings are noted
5 ptsAcceptable
Information was presented about the theories, but some main ideologies were omitted and/or key ideas were not presented with clarity.
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
Information was presented about the theories, but numerous main ideologies and/or terms were omitted or misrepresented and/or organization lacked clarity
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExamples
10 ptsOutstanding
3 or more examples with explicit explanations that clearly depict what the theory would look like in practice
5 ptsAcceptable
2 examples are given but lack of clarity in describing the theory in practice
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
Only 1 example used and/or both examples given do not explain the theory in practice
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of the Theory to nursing Care
10 ptsOutstanding
Clear and well thought out application to show information contributes to specific aspects of the theory’s application to nursing care.
5 ptsAcceptable
Application with some descriptive or restatements about theory; begins to apply to theory in nursing care.
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
Information or reflection instead of application and/or not useful for future application.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Theory to an specific vulnerable population
20 ptsOutstanding
Consistently finds connections and patterns across theories that apply to a specific vulnerable population.
10 ptsAcceptable
Most of the time finds connections and patterns across the theory that apply to populations.
5 ptsUnacceptable
Rarely finds connections and patterns across the theory that applies to populations.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
10 ptsOutstanding
3-4 scholarly sources referenced and cited in the presentation and the reference list All resources are referenced and cited
5 ptsAcceptable
2 scholarly sources References cited in the presentation All resources are referenced and cited.
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
Only 1 scholarly source in the paper &/or no reference list
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection of the theorists’ ideologies in context to personal experiences
20 ptsOutstanding
The paper exemplifies critical reflection in a well-written section situating past personal experiences with any of the chosen theorists’ ideologies.
10 ptsAcceptable
The paper provides a critical reflection that situates past personal experiences with any of the theorists’ ideologies included in the presentation.
5 ptsUnacceptable
The paper provides a reflection that situates personal experiences but may be more descriptive than reflective, or does not accurately make associations to the theorist(s) main ideas.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style
10 ptsOutstanding
The Final paper is double spaced in a 12- point serif font, has 1- inch margins, 7th Ed. APA-style headings and includes in-text citations and reference list for all citations and references.
5 ptsAcceptable
The Final paper lacks some of the following features: double spacing, 12-point serif font, 1-inch margins, APA style headings, or a nearly complete Version 7 APA reference list.
2.5 ptsUnacceptable
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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