In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recom

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).
After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Launch Discussion Board link under the Assignments tab for this unit to open the Discussion Board and make your post.
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Assignment Details
Most businesses in recent years have adopted a code of ethics for the workplace. This code of ethics is often drafted in part to address the ever-growing employment law issues. Law and ethics are clearly different, yet obviously related. Often, the law duplicates what people would regard as an ethical position. In recent years, most businesses have adopted a code of ethics for the workplace that is created to avoid legal issues in the future.
With this relationship in mind, consider whether or not your company has a code of ethics you follow.
Describe a time you could have used a code or rule of ethical behavior to help resolve an issue you faced at work.
Review and consider the experiences presented by others. Share your thoughts on the responses of 2 other students. In your replies to others, share similar experiences concerning ethics in the workplace that you have dealt with. You may also discuss a code or rule of ethical conduct that you would put in place to deal with an experience that you have encountered.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Discussion Board Reminders:
Must have three posts: A Main Post and two replies to peers.First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
Connect to Content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
Engaging in Class Discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards.

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