I choose a business scenario (one page). I want you to start the database modeling process by following these steps:
Discover all business rules for your organization.
Use the business rules to identify all entities, attributes, relationships, and constraints for the selected business.
Draw the ER diagram at the conceptual level.
· Read the selected scenario carefully, use other resources to understand the business problem and then
prepare a report that contains the following: 1.
list of all necessary business rules. The list should include at least one
sound constraint. 2.
relationship Diagram – complete with all entities, suitable attributes
including keys, and proper relationships. —–
You can make reasonable and realistic assumptions when needed. Use Microsoft Visio or any other tool to draw the ERD model.
Ensure originality! Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Assignment will be rejected for any Plagiarized paragraph and will be assigned zero mark.
The marking rubric is as per the following: Criteria
Maximum Mark
Validity of the business rules
The implementation of the business rules
Inclusion of all necessary attributes (Correct Keys and other attributes)
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