his assignment provides you with the opportunity to learn about the structural a

his assignment provides you with the opportunity to learn about the structural aspects of an academic text and to gain a better understanding of how sociologists present and develop arguments.
You will create a concept map based on a reading of your choice.
Creating your concept map will take about four to six hours.
Here is a step-by-step guide of the things you’ll need to do to successfully complete the assignment:
Familiarize yourself with the functions of mindomo.com .
Take a look at this 5 minute video tutorial.
Choose either one of this week’s readings.
Carefully read the article you chose.
Use this concept map as a template.
Start creating your concept map. Make sure it includes the following items:
Embed at least one piece of media that illustrates one of the concepts mentioned in the article (for example, a YouTube video, blog article, song, or other piece of media of your choosing)
Highlight these three things:
the main concept discussed in the article (for instance: ethnicity)
the research question
the conclusion
Make sure all concepts are linked and display the logical structure of the article’s argument.
attached readings pick one concept from any
example https://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/concept-map-assignment-template-7e910ad2d13c4058b23b733d54394be4

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