Hello Writer
My professor is requesting that we do a small research paper where we answer questions that she has asked us based on Crowdfunding.
Below are the paper details:
-Respond to each question and review the embedded links to respond to each question based on your research. Please also refer to the Crowdfunding resource links list on page six (6) of your course syllabus.
-Include cited sources APA style.
What I will provide:
1. The file assignment in which you will answer all 6 questions.
2. All of the crowding funding resource links that she has provided to us in our syllabus.
Please see below for the crowdfunding resource links:
Resource 2. What is Crowdfunding? (2020). Balance Small Business.
Resource 3. Crowdfunding Websites
Resource 4. Crowdfunding Campaign Examples
Resource 5. What is Crowdfunding? (2020). Grant Space.
Resource 6. What is Crowdfunding? (2019). Business News Daily.
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