For this project, you will rhetorically analyze two argumentative pieces of nonf

For this project, you will rhetorically analyze two argumentative pieces of nonfiction that address a pressing and relevant social issue (also referred to as “texts”). By analyzing these texts’ use of rhetorical strategies and appeals, you will develop a complex understanding of how these texts function and advance their argument. Your texts may be written, visual, aural, or any other kind of multimodal argumentation.
Your rhetorical analysis must advance a claim about how these texts function as persuasive arguments and the degree to which their arguments are effective or ineffective for their intended audience. That is, this paper must have a thesis claim about the effectiveness of the arguments and consistently support the thesis through textual evidence and analysis. Your paper should explain how the arguments are made— not just what the arguments are. You must address ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos, which are concepts we will cover in class.
The texts you are working with will NOT be included in the paper. The reader is relying on you to adequately summarize and contextualize the texts you are using.
Brainstorming Questions
Here are some ideas for choosing and analyzing different texts for this assignment (this is not an exhaustive list):
Compare news articles from two different news sources about the same topic/event
Compare trailers of the same documentary/movie that were adapted for different audiences
Compare PSAs on the same issue
Compare parodies—for example, a real political speech and an SNL skit of the politician
Compare two political ads for the same election (from the same politician or two different politicians). What rhetorical strategies do the candidates implement?
Compare two songs that depict an event, issue, or topic from different standpoints
Project Requirements
To be successful in this assignment, you must:
make a thesis claim which argues for or against how the rhetorical elements of each text are effective
present an effective summary of the texts being analyzed. (Note: even though a summary is an integral part of the assignment, it should not become your main objective.)
include sufficient supporting evidence drawn from at least four sources (including the texts being analyzed)
apply rhetorical analysis terms and strategies learned in class (ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos)
include a discussion that connects the different elements of your rhetorical analysis to your thesis claim
include a conclusion paragraph that effectively summarize and synthesize your thoughts
use language, mechanics, and conventions that consider audience and enhance clarity
use appropriate documentation (i.e., citation) of the secondary source (in-text and in the Works Cited page)
Minimum Requirements
1500–2000 words, double-spaced with one inch margins
Compares the rhetorical strategies of two separate, argumentative texts
12-point Times New Roman font and written in MLA format (4 line heading upper left of first page, last name/pg # in upper right of each page—see the ASU Citation guide for help)
Four outside sources cited in an MLA formatted Works Cited page and with in-text citations
Submitted to Canvas before the assigned due
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