Follow these instructions. Your rough draft should be posted by Saturday, Februa

Follow these instructions. Your rough draft should be posted by Saturday, February 24, 2024.
Create a thread in this forum. Your name and rough draft should be in the title (For example, John Doe’s critical analysis rough draft).
Attach your rough draft document to the thread.
Choose three classmates’ rough drafts to review.
Reply to their thread and state that you will be reviewing this rough draft. If a document has already been “claimed” three times, choose a different document. Every rough draft should have three people reviewing them.
Read and comment on the draft. Use the Comment feature in Word to do this. (
After you have made your comments in the rough draft, reply again to the thread and attach your document. This should be done by the following Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
My name: Mokhira Kosimklhujaeva
Video gave I chose: Red Dead redemption 2

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