Eating Disorders As indicated in the Class Notes, eating disorders are the most

Eating Disorders
As indicated in the Class Notes, eating disorders are the most lethal, killing the most people, of all of the psychological disorders, including depression. I am providing two videos that address these issues, one by Dr. Laura Hill and one by Cara Peterson & Afftene Taylor.
Dr. Laura Hill=
Cara Peterson & Afftene Taylor=

When you read and hear about these disorders, what are your thoughts and reactions? Since 25% of individuals struggling with anorexia and bulimia are men, discuss your thoughts. While we are still struggling to find the best treatment, we know that societal pressures impact individuals in how they feel about their weight. The most popular form of purging is exercise.
One in ten of us will have an eating disorder at some point in our lifetime. Please, share your insights.
The following are some resources for individuals seeking help:
National Eating Disorders Association=
Gürze Books=
We also have a counseling center at the MGA campus that can help with any of these disorders.
Substance Abuse
3. I would like for you to watch and comment on a video that I also have embedded in the Class Notes as the discussion topic: Everything you know about addiction is wrong. After you watch the video, write your thoughts about it. How do Johann Hari’s comments connect with your understanding of addiction?
Everything you know about addiction is wrong=

4. How does it compare to the ones we read about in the text? What are your experiences with people who have had addictions? Respond to other students’ thoughts. Addiction touches all of our lives. It would be difficult to live in the world today without knowing someone who has struggled with drug/alcohol abuse or one of the addictive disorders. We discuss caffeine addiction in the Class Notes, and perhaps many of us have consumed more caffeine than we should (?).
APA FORMAT all urls have been given to cite including book lectures from professor. also personal addiction just do something coffee related.
Full points
Answered the question
that was given.
Referenced and cited
material from the Ted
Talk or material provided
in the discussion
(30 points)
You wrote
something but did
not offer substance
to the discussion
or you copied
material instead of
discussing it. (0
You provided a very
brief response to the
questions and your
comment was on topic.
(5 points)
Your response was more
than a sentence or two, but
it didn’t show that you
applied the concepts to
yourself or to relevant
examples. (20 points)
You gave a full, thoughtful
response. You also appropriately
referenced material from the
assignment in your discussion.
You showed personal insight
into the topic.
Wrote two meaningful
responses to two other
students. You showed
you were listening and
hearing what the other
students say. (30 points)
You forgot to
respond to any
students. (0 points)
You responded to one or
two students with
brief comments but did
not provide an in-depth
response. (e.g., “Great
post! I like your ideas!”
“I agree with you!”)
(10 points)
You responded with depth
to one student. (20
You responded with thoughtful
and meaningful comments to at
least two students. (30 points)
Quality of writing (i.e.,
spelling, grammar, APA
formatting for citations).
(20 points)
Your writing
needed editing.
You needed to write
it in Word and
check the grammar
or spelling. You can
always get someone
to review it (e.g.,
the Writing Center).
(0 points)
The writing quality was
good, but one or both
citations were missing
or not in proper APA
format. (5 points)
Your writing quality was
good, but one of the
citations was missing or
not formatted according to
APA style. (10 points)
Your discussion was wellwritten, and you used the correct
APA format in your citations
(when necessary).
(20 points)
Provided 5 full, thoughtful
(10 points)
Your discussion
was 1-2
paragraphs and
needed to show
more reflection on
the assignment.
(0 points)
Your discussion was 3
paragraphs and lacked
the analysis that 5
paragraphs would have
(5 points)
Your discussion was 4
paragraphs but needed more
content to show you had
developed your thoughts and
applied them to the
assignment. (8
Your discussion was five full,no more then 7
thoughtful paragraphs.
(10 points)
Comments from Customer
i forgot to click on how many sources but include all urls i’ve provide in apa format thank you

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