Due: Thursday November 16th at 1159pm — 2 Parts Part I In at least 500 words (a

Due: Thursday November 16th at 1159pm — 2 Parts
Part I
In at least 500 words (about 1.5 pages double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, not including your header) please answer: BASED ONLY ON COURSE MATERIALS, how do we understand some Black, Native Americans/American Indian, and Chicanx/Latinx experiences? ONLY use course material from this week and the prior weeks. Please note: this write-up will not be encompassing of ALL experiences, just some of what we’ve learned in class, so no need to try to talk about ALL experiences. Please be sure to…
make an overall argument that encompasses what some of the experiences have been like. Again, this is only based on course materials. As with other assignments, you MUST cite the materials in your writing. IF you need more time please message me. Part II
In at least 300 words (almost a page double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, not including your header) please answer: Reflect on how YOU’VE been racialized. What are the racial/ethnic experiences that you have encountered?
They can be in education/school, at work, at home/in your community, online/on social media, etc.
If you feel you have not had many “racialized experiences” or experiences where your race and ethnicity was important to an incident or occurrence, 1) think about why the invisibility of race was normalized in your situations. 2) Where have you seen race/ethnicity be important?

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