Document #1 : Regarding your leader’s leadership style*, using separate sections

Document #1 : Regarding your leader’s leadership style*, using separate sections entitled 1, 2, 3, 4: 1.Describe: briefly their professional career in a foreign nation/culture (2-3 sentences). 2.Describe: a significant action taken that they implemented in a foreign nation/culture (2-4 sentences). Consider this action taken as the Pivotal Event for your final Project (see related Syllabus section). 3.State in the first sentence the Leadership Style* or Theory* and its definition with textbook citation that best represents the decision made and/or action taken. Describe how the Leadership Style or Theory best explains the action taken, along with the consequences/results (2-5 sentences). Table 13-1, 13-7, and Figure 13-1, 13-2 will assist. 4.RE: leader’s style/theory employed State in the first sentence the Cultural Theory that best represents either how the leader implemented this action and/or how the decision was administered or received in the foreign nation/culture. Additional sentences explain how the leader’s birth culture influenced or the prevailing culture of the foreign nation/culture where the decision and/or action taken impacted the consequences/results (2-5 sentences). No points for including verbatim previous Culture-related analysis submission content. 5.Utilize specific chapter 4 & 13 terms and concepts, along with other relevant, along with other relevant textbook content by Luthans & Doh. Underline every textbook term and/or concept used. Format for original post: 1.5 spacing, 3/4 page max. using 10-12 font. Document#2: As business operations move across legal and economic boundaries, many issues can arise. Excluding the United States and Mexico (because we are most familiar with those markets), select a nation and analyze specific marketing-related issues encountered there by foreign firms. Lastly, present a managerial remedy to issues encountered (2-3 sentences only). Select a nation that you have not previously analyzed. Module topics: international research, secondary data: sources, availability, and use issues, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and multicultural sampling issues, influence of political and economic change, level of economic development and marketing’s contribution to a nation’s growth, importance of trading associations among nations, importance & evolution of economic union, evolving patterns of trade especially shifting toward a free-market systems, strategic implications for marketing in the region, diversity and relationships within regions, etc. Use class-related terms, concepts, and theories to move your post from a summary to an analysis. Do not reiterate specific company, culture, and/or nation examples already presented in the textbook. Include at least one news article from a quality resource detailing a firm’s experience entering a foreign market.

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