Discussion Genetics 9393 unread replies.9393 replies. *Do not use the chart pict

Discussion Genetics
9393 unread replies.9393 replies.
*Do not use the chart pictured here for your traits, it is just a graphic and does not match the traits we are looking at in this discussion!
Now that we all know each other a little bit it is time to get into the topic of Child Development. We are going to start at the beginning, prenatal development.
Our textbook lists several influences on prenatal development. Generally we think of environmental influences as those that occur once we are born. However, it is important to remember that on the day of their birth, infants have already been exposed to 9 months of environmental influences, and this exposure has occurred during a period of rapid growth and vulnerability. A healthy pregnancy with proper nutrition and prenatal care can promote development and put the newborn on an optimal path.
Recently we discovered a great online resource for exploring and learning about heredity and genetics in a fun, hands on way. It’s a website developed by the University of Utah for educators from middle school through college to use when teaching about heredity and genetics.
The website for learn.genetics (Links to an external site.) is full of fun activities, videos, and follow up materials. We want you just to explore all it has to offer. Seriously, don’t rush through this. It’s all about YOU! Discover the wonderfulness of you!
Discussion Assignment: Do this several days before the due date!
When you are done exploring the learn.genetics (Links to an external site.) website, read the information on Recessive and Dominant Traits Handout and see which ones you have or don’t. Use this handout to record your traits: Dominant and Recessive Traits Handout
If the handout won’t open for you, try opening it from the week 3 module.
Make a list of the traits shown on the Dominant and Recessive Traits Handout.
Now indicate which ones you have that are dominantly inherited and the ones you have that are recessively inherited.
Then scroll through the posted discussions and click “like” for your classmates that have an exact match or a similar inheritance pattern to yours. Similar means they have almost the exact same dominant/recessive traits that you do. Be sure to comment on the ones that are different.
I (Dr. K) will post first and my response will look something like this: I am a DDRRDRRRR… does anybody match me? (then I will explain how I came to that conclusion).
I base answers on this: my earlobes are detached (D), I can roll my tongue (D), I cannot wiggle my ears (R), I have no dimples (R), I clasp my hands w/left thumb on top (D), no cleft in chin (R), no widow’s peak (R), no hair on middle of fingers (R) and PTC tasting (R)
Make sure you put your D and R traits in the same order listed on the handout and that you have 9 traits! Make an educated guess on PTC tasting if you have never done this using a test strip in a science class before, use the information in this prompt to help you determine if you are a taster or not. Do this activity with at least one of your parents, or with your children (if you have any) to see what you inherited from your own parents or what you passed on to your children. If you can’t do it with a parent, then try the activity with your next closest relative. It could be a grandparent, or a sibling. If you don’t have a biological relative then find a peer in the discussion board that matches you! Make sure you are using the handoutand not the picture that is at the top of this post, that is just there for decoration!
Response: Choose one classmate and write a brief but meaningful comment in response to their post. Share about what you inherited from your parents or what you passed on to your child(ren). Be sure to post early in the week so people can see your traits; if everyone posts early in the week then it will be easier for others to find matches if they are trying to match with peers in the course. If most of the class waits until Friday to post then almost everyone will have to wait until Friday to find their matches and that will be frustrating.
Grading Rubric: View the grading rubric by clicking the settings icon in the upper right and select Show Rubric.

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