Discussion Board 2: Chapters 3 & 4 Review the Discussion Board Requirements [wor

Discussion Board 2: Chapters 3 & 4
Review the Discussion Board Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 3
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Option 1: Chapter 3–Intercultural Competence and Microaggressions
Think of a time when you were in a situation or place that meant you had to interact with people you perceived as culturally different from you. Answer the following questions:
What was “different” about the other people? Ethnicity? Socioeconomic background? Age? Gender identity/sexual orientation? Ability level?
How much experience did you have interacting with individuals from other cultures before this situation?
How did your communication alter or vary in this situation, dealing with people who were culturally different?
What steps might you take to improve your intercultural communication competence?
Describe a time when you were the recipient of microaggression[s].
Do you believe this was based on racial discrimination or that the statement was made unknowingly?
Option 2: Chapter 4: Believing in Yourself!
Take a few minutes to think about the road you are on, that is what are your goals, plans, expectations, dreams, and hopes for your current and future life? Now that you have thought about your “road”, answer the following questions: Do you believe in yourself? Are you feeling confident and motivated? Or are you experiencing doubt and disbelief in your abilities? Do you struggle to believe in the goodness of this world and yourself? How might your self-concept and self-esteem influence the struggle? Watch this video: Sheryl Lee Ralph. Believing In Yourself
After you watch the video, answer each of the following questions: Who will you have your greatest relationship with in, your lifetime?
Have you done a “check-up from the neck up” recently?How do you currently see yourself? Provide examples/words of description of your self-concept and self-esteem
According to Sheryl Lee Ralph, what are the three things we must do to believe in ourselves?What do you think of these steps?
Will you accept her challenge to institute these steps into your life? Give examples of how you intend to crush this challenge! DB Requirements: Each Discussion Board is worth 15 points [total].Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:Review the DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Read the designated chapters for the week before you start this assignment.
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the chapter reading/topic. Outside sources are not acceptable. CH DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 300-400 words total and have a least 1textbook reference from the specific chapter. You must include a citation with your textbook reference. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook from either of the specified chapters. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). You will have 1 textbook reference/citation in each of your peer response posts. To earn maximum points:You must have a clear reference to the textbook in both your original post and your peer responses. Textbook references should be exclusively taken from the course textbook. References from any source other than the required textbook [Interplay/15th Ed.] will not be accepted and will result in a loss of points.
Do not use any of the textbook references from your original tread or another student’s original tread in any of your peer responses.
Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information: Participants must create/post a thread to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing. Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box. All DB assignments require Interplay textbook connections and references.
Be sure and submit your assignment before the 11:59 pm deadline. Assignments sent via e-mail or Inbox [Canvas] or posted in “Comments” will not be accepted for credit.

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