Background The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice fo

The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice for the concepts learned in this module.
At the end of each chapter in the textbook is a section titled “Application Exercises.” Complete two (2) application exercises for each module (two exercises from any of the three chapters assigned for that module) using Excel and/or Access as appropriate per exercise.
Pg. 123: Managing Catering Supplies DD-Designs
[/content/enforced/8344-BIM400-019726/Week Two/Ch04Ex01(1)-1.xlsx]Data – Excel Document (11.8 KB)
Ch 4 Excel Solution.mp4 Ch 4 Access Solution.mp4
Excel Assignment should be built from start using the text for guidance.
Ch 7 Excel Solution (mp4 file)
Pg. 220: Marketing City Hospital Seminars.
Access Starter Data File
Ch 7 Access Solution (mp4 file)
This assignment is worth 5 points and due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below.
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Application Exercises Rubric
CriteriaHighly DevelopedDeveloped
Criterion Score
1.25 points
Completed exercises with a detailed explanation/reasoning for answers.
0.5 points
Complete exercises with some explanation(s).
0.375 points
Explanation is unclear.
0.25 points
Misses key points.
Score of Explanation,
/ 1.25
Use of Visuals
0.75 points
Clear table/report or chart/graph with some detail.
0.3 points
Clear table/report or chart/graph.
0.225 points
Inappropriate or unclear table/report and/or chart/graph.
0.15 points
Table/report not complete and/or chart/graph not attempted.
Score of Use of Visuals,
/ 0.75
1.25 points
Good effort and obvious attempt at completing all exercise steps correctly.
0.5 points
Good effort and some attempt at completing exercise steps.
0.375 points
Some effort completing exercise steps, some formulas attempted.
0.25 points
Some steps completed, but text in place of actual exercise formulas/answers.
Score of Mechanics,
/ 1.25
Demonstrated Knowledge
1.25 points
Demonstrates complete understanding for the use of the applications to solve problems and answers all questions.
0.5 points
Shows some understanding for the applications and answers most questions.
0.375 points
Shows some understanding for the applications and answers most questions.
0.25 points
Evidence of understanding is not clearly demonstrated and answers are incomplete.
Score of Demonstrated Knowledge,
/ 1.25
0.5 points
Goes beyond the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.2 points
Meets the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.15 points
Hardly meets the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.1 points
Does not meet the requirements of the applications’ problems.
Score of Requirements,
/ 0.5

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