Answer this 3question with one paragraph per question. Use proper APA reference

Answer this 3question with one paragraph per question. Use proper APA reference and citations.
1. What are some stigmas related to the use of AI in nursing that we must address and clarify?
2. Give a positive feedback to this post with one paragraph. Use proper APA references and citations
post #1: Junie
Nursing Shortage
Issue Summary
The chosen news story is about how healthcare places have trouble finding qualified nurses. Several things, such as the ongoing global pandemic, burnout, and an aging nursing staff, have worsened the shortage. Hospitals and clinics need help keeping up with nurse-to-patient ratios, which is hurting patient care and making the nurses there more stressed (Cullinan, 2023).
Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-Levels Impacts
On a micro-scale, individual nurses have to deal with heavier tasks that make them tired, stressed, and possibly burned out. Nurses have many duties, making giving each patient personalized and high-quality care difficult. Individual nurses may need more training or education because they are too busy because of the shortage. This could also affect their chances of professional growth (Tamata & Mohammadnezhad, 2022).
On a meso level, healthcare groups need help to provide patients with the best care even though they are still looking for enough staff. Putting more work on nurses can make them less satisfied with their jobs, cause them to leave their jobs more often, and make it hard to find new nurses. In turn, this changes the culture of the business as a whole and could lower the quality of care patients receive (Zeleníková et al., 2023).
In a macro-sense, the lack of nurses affects the whole healthcare system. It is terrible for public health because it makes it harder to handle emergencies or pandemics. To ensure there are enough nurses to work in the future, policymakers and healthcare leaders need to plan the workforce, educate nurses, and start new policy projects (Zeleníková et al., 2023).
Healthcare Policy Impact
Healthcare policy is an essential part of fixing the nurse shortage. Policies about funding for schooling, workforce planning, and strategies for keeping employees need to be evaluated and re-evaluated. Policymakers should consider policies encouraging a healthy work setting, more money for nursing education programs, and incentives for nurses to attend college. The nurse shortage affects all healthcare system levels, but these policy changes can help lessen its effects (Cullinan, 2023).
Cullinan, K. (2023). Nurse Shortage Is A “Global Health Emergency” – Yet Governments Fail To Invest In Staff Retention – Health Policy Watch. (2023, December 20).…
Tamata, A. T., & Mohammadnezhad, M. (2022). A systematic review study on the factors affecting hospital nursing workforce shortage. Nursing Open, 10(3), 1247–1257.
Zeleníková, R., Jarošová, D., Mynaříková, E., Janíková, E., & Plevová, I. (2023). Inadequate number of staff and other reasons for implicit rationing of nursing care across hospital types and units. Nursing Open.
3. Give a positive feedback to this post with one paragraph. Use proper APA reference and citations
Post#2: Robert
The article I’m reviewing discusses the potential for reducing the need for lifelong dialysis in patients diagnosed with acute kidney injury (AKI). The AKI protocol shares striking similarities with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) treatment. The success of this study would have a positive impact on different levels. At the micro level, patients may recover kidney function and maintain their health for prolonged periods. At the meso level, a more patient-specific treatment plan would be implemented for AKI patients. On the macro level, the results of this study would improve patient outcomes and reduce the number of patients requiring lifelong dialysis treatment, which costs almost $100,000 annually. Healthcare policy must balance the need to provide the best care at the lowest cost. In dialysis, patients may receive treatment from different doctors in the hospital and outpatient clinic, leading to communication gaps and a lack of follow-through from the original physician. This can result in standardized dialysis orders for the clinic instead of customized orders for the patient. However, the article under consideration is incomplete and does not outline the treatment provided in the study. Reviewing the physicians listed in the news article, the study was found to be titled “Outpatient Recovery From Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Dialysis (ORKID).” It was also discovered that the participants almost qualified as unicorns in the dialysis field, as they had normal blood pressure and no comorbidities. Consequently, the macro impact on healthcare would be limited, as the criteria for selecting patients for the study would only apply to less than one patient in a thousand.
Cbs News And. (2024) New UCSF study finds some diagnosed with kidney disease may not need dialysis – CBS San Francisco. Retrieved February 04, 2024, from… Outpatient Recovery From Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Dialysis (ORKID) Retrieved February 04, 2024, from

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