1. Topic Selection: Select a topic from the various issues discussed in the class in the field of economic development. You may also select your choice of topic from the issues you have already addressed in weekly assignments.
(Environmental Policy and its impact on econ development: A case study of Haiti and the Dominican Republic( I AM FROM HAITI SO FEEL FREE TO MAKE THIS SOUND PERSONAL FROM A HAITIAN STANDPOINT)
2. Make sure the topic you have selected is relevant to the subject and does fit your areas of interest in the subject.
3. The title of the topic must make sense and give your audience a clear idea about the issue and focus of your research paper.
4. Your Topic selection is your first step. Once you are settled with your topic (you may also change or modify the topic title after you finish your writing depending on what you have come up with your results of the term paper), the following general organizational structure of your paper should follow:
-Introduction: includes your reason for your interest in the topic, its relevance with some examples of the issues, quotes from other writers in the same issue, importance and objective of your paper
-Literature Review: This section should include your study on this area published in different literature. You may subdivide this section into different categories of areas you have studied and summarize the findings in your own critical words. Providing proper citations is very important in this section.
-Method of Analysis: This section will include the appropriate approach of your analysis of the paper in the next section. This approach could be qualitative, quantitative, or both depending on your time and resource constraints to take the right approach. This methodology will clearly state the model structure you will be using and how you will collect data/information with sources (primary or secondary and why). You will also justify the approach you have taken, given other alternatives you could have.
-Analysis: Based on your approach mentioned in the previous section, this section will be the main content of your paper. This section will cover your data/information, analytical approach, tables, graphs, etc.
-Conclusion: Your findings in the Analysis section will give you a clue to conclude very briefly, which will also include your remarks explaining how you have fulfilled your objectives in your Introduction Section at the outset.
The above section will be followed by your list of references.
The abstract (the summary of the entire paper) should be written after finishing your paper and must be placed on Page 1 of your paper. However, Your paper must have a cover page followed by a table of contents before page 1. I will go over that in more detail in the class.
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