1.According to Rodrigo, what factors lead to the general view in the U.S. of a c

1.According to Rodrigo, what factors lead to the general view in the U.S. of a correlation between blackness and crime, and what is your reaction to his argument?
2.Who is Bernhard Goetz, and what is the point of the bathroom graffito mentioned by Rodrigo (167)?
3.Do the professor and Rodrigo seem to agree about the role of media and “opinion makers” in shaping perceptions of race and crime in the U.S.?
4.Against the backdrop of the discussion of crime and the shaping of cultural perceptions, how do you interpret the running anecdote about the professor being interviewed by a newspaper reporter? Is this a sign of hope in the chronicle?
5.This chronicle was written more than two decades ago. Have things changed at all regarding race and crime?

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