This  assignment focuses on course learning objectives 2 and 3 – Describe  car

This  assignment focuses on course learning objectives 2 and 3 – Describe  career opportunities available in hospitality organizations and  Recognize skills and knowledge necessary to advance within the  Hospitality Industry. 
First,  do some reflection on your career goals and choose a job/career goal,  defining your ideal position within the hospitality industry. The summary  will focus on describing and explaining the necessary skills and  knowledge required or preferred for advancement in the field, from an  entry level position to that goal position in management (preferably to  general manager, vice president, or director level). The writing should  be outlined by job progression and you can refer to specific job  postings from company or third party job sites, like for  example.
NOTE:  Even if you are not actually planning to obtain employment within  hospitality, you will choose a hospitality job for the purpose of this  writing. Also, you should be reviewing the feedback from your week two  submission prior to beginning this assignment.

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