In your own words, describe your understanding of your identified theory, includ

In your own words, describe your understanding of your identified theory, including the role of the art therapist/counselor and client, view of diagnosis, understanding of change occurs, how clients are conceptualized from this lens, what is the goal of this theory in treatment; how does this approach view client’s diverse needs and cultural worldviews; identify a specific intervention in which you could use with the identified client
Using Gestalt Theory
The Intervention used is a -Grounding technique clay exercise called ” Uncoiling Anxiety.”
Untwisting and reshaping coils
This intervention begins by first introducing Julie to the concept of grounding to help her manage her anxiety. Julie will then be instructed to shape the clay into a tight coil to represent her anxiety. She will then uncoil it while reflecting upon its changes in shape. Julie can reshape the coils and answer these questions: what did the coil look like first? How does it appear when less tightly knotted? How can you relate to the coil? What do you do to unwind? What would you like to do in the future to reduce stress?

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