hi there, I started to do this paper and my teacher graded me zero on it as I di

hi there, I started to do this paper and my teacher graded me zero on it as I did not meet the grading rubric and missed reading articles requirements. I am attaching my teacher feeding below:
I hope you are doing well. This email is to notify you that you have not followed the grading rubric for Activity 1 and consequently the paper does not meet the minimum level of developing and sections must be re-done and re-submitted for you to successfully pass the course. Specifically, you have not addressed the following sections of the paper/grading rubric: problem, purpose, lit review, sampling, measurement/trustworthiness. As well, it appears that you have not used one of the two required articles for the paper. Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding this assignment. A reminder that the policy outlined in the syllabus is a one-time opportunity to remediate and re-do this section of the activity.

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