Your last online assignment is to evaluate your own progress in this course and

Your last online assignment is to evaluate your own progress in this course and also evaluate this class and the instructor. You will be graded on simply completing the assignment and not on your comments. Your evaluation of this class is important to me so that I can improve this class in the future. You can write anything you want or use the following questions as a guide or to get ideas about what to write. Your post should be at least 200 words. I appreciate all of your comments. It was great having each one of you in my class this semester.
Please tell what you liked about this class and how it was useful to you.
Do you have any suggestions for improving the class?
What is your evaluation of our e-text, Becoming Aware Online?
What is your evaluation of the personality assessment, AchieveWORKS Personality (Introvert, Extravert, Sensing, Intuitive, Thinking, Feeling, Judging, and Perceptive)?
Was this class helpful learning about yourself in order to improve your relationship with yourself and others?
Did this class improve your chances for personal success in life?
What is your overall evaluation of this class? (Outstanding, excellent, satisfactory, or needs improvement)
Please rate the instructor (me). What was good and what could be improved?

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