Your Final Project (the symbolic self-portrait) will have three different due da

Your Final Project (the symbolic self-portrait) will have three different due dates:
Part 1 will be due 12/4. Part 1 of this assignment will be to complete 3 thumbnail sketches and to begin your drawing.
Part 2 will be due 12/13. Part 2 will be turning in your complete final drawing and presenting it in our final discussion.
Your feedback in the final critique will be due 12/15
Please remember that turning in these drawings on time is crucial for the course as it allows you to get timely and helpful feedback. Turning in progress check-ins late will result in missing out on helpful feedback.
Symbolic Self Portrait Part 1
Due: 12/4
Materials: Any materials we have used in this class may be used
Dimensions: Your final drawing needs to be a minimum of 11″ x 11″. Any size larger than this works. For example 11″ x 14″ is a great size for your final drawing. You should be able to fit 2-5 thumbnail sketches in a single page of your sketchbook,
Description: For part one of your final symbolic self portrait begin writing and sketching out ideas that are important for you. Please be sure to watch the video lecture in the module, which describes the purpose of thumbnail and large sketches.
A symbolic self portrait can depict any object, landscape, portrait or animal that is personally meaningful to you. Your subject matter could depict an emotional state, a passion or interest, a symbol or biographical narrative that is personal to you. It could be a portrait, landscape or still life. Please make sure you choose subject matter that is interesting to you. Feel free to use inspiration images and photos, but do not simply copy something you found on pinterest or the internet.
For part one of the assignment you will turn in at least 3 thumbnail sketches, as well as your progress on your final drawing. You may create more sketches if it is helpful, but you must at least complete these 3 small sketches to turn in. You may use pen, pencil or any other relevant material to sketch with.
Remember in your thumbnail sketches to try a variety of different dimensions of drawings, and a variety of different placements and light sources. You will select your favorite thumbnail sketch and create a final drawing based on it.
Remember in your sketch to make its dimensions proportional to your final drawing. For example if you sketch depicts a rectangular composition, it would be counter-productive to make your final drawing a square.
Turn in these three thumbnail sketches and a picture of your progress on your final drawing.
When you submit your sketches and progress on your final drawing to the assignment please also answer the two following questions:
1. Why is this particular subject matter meaningful to you?
2. How are your progressing in the drawing? would you like any help/feedback on any particular part of the drawing?

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