Watch the film Loving Vincent and review. 1000 words minimum, times new Roman, d

Watch the film Loving Vincent and review. 1000 words minimum, times new Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins, standard English, communicate to me through your writing what you have learned about art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art making in relation to the film you review. Support all your idea with details and do additional research. 5 Required Sections: *(These are not necessarily only one paragraph each).
1) Introduction – In the opening of your review, provide some basic information about the film.
You may include the film’s name, year, director, and major actors. Provide an overview of the film.
2) Descriiption – Describe the film as though the reader has not seen it. Recall details relating to what you have learned in this course. Aim to include at least 20 art vocabulary words we have covered.
3) Analysis – Identify one artwork from the film and discuss it in detail. Use the 4 part art criticism model.
4) Additional Research – Research a topic from the film in further detail. Example: if you were reviewing Midnight In Paris (which is no longer on the approved list), you might research one of the featured artists. If you review Loving Vincent, you will need to research and discuss specific artworks by Van Gogh featured in the film or research the letters between Vincent and his brother.
5) Conclusion/Evaluation – The closing of your film essay should remind the reader of your general thoughts and impressions of the film. You may also state whether or not you recommend the film. Make sure to remind the reader of why the film is or is not worth seeing.
Include final thoughts about the art topics in the film. Use 20 of these art vocabulary words in the essay, vertical, horizontal, jagged,broken, straight, silhouette, organic, biomorphic, monumental, geometric, abstract, symmetrical,asymmetrical, bleached , bold, brash, clean, glowing, harsh, warm, cool, complimentary, instinctive, gestural, painterly, rough, smooth, linear, aggressive, strokes, energetic, intimate, expression, unconventional, improvised, joyful, daring, sublime, pure.

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