Use theory and theoretical concepts to explain the importance of the literature

Use theory and theoretical concepts to explain the importance of the literature you are describing. Explain how and why is has changed the way you think using the theory and theoretical concepts from the literature.
A higher grade if you are able to compare and contrast the assigned literature and to critically reflect on its limitations and applicability. Merely describing/summarising what you have read will not result in a high grade.
The essay is stringent, with clear referencing, stating purpose and justifying choices made. The essay is clearly articulated in good and easy-to-understand English. The essay has a logical layout. It is clear which literature is addressed. Sources are correctly referenced according to LUSEM’s Harvard referencing style.
The essay demonstrates that the learner has understood the course literature, other appropriate literature, and the concepts we have encountered during the course. Relevant theories and concepts from the core course literature and relevant academic sources are applied, compared, and contrasted.
The essay demonstrates the learner’s ability to critically reflect on the limitations and applicability of theories and concepts from the core course literature and relevant academic sources.

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