Use sources from the attached file. Keep focus and maintain your thesis argument

Use sources from the attached file.
Keep focus and maintain your thesis argument.
Organize your paragraphs (bodies of thought) around clear criteria of relevance.
Develop your points with clarity, insight, and regular support. Dig deep. Ask questions to prompt developmental thinking: How? Why? What? Where? When?
Integrate all quotes (voices/interested parties) clearly and engage them analytically.
Cite all quotes and source ideas (not general knowledge) in-text. Avoid plagiarism.
Works Cited page should include full MLA bibliographical information of all sources cited in-text.
Revise, edit, proofread. You will be graded on the quality of your writing (sentence constructions, word choice, mechanics etc…) as well as the analytical content.
See Sample R.P. for illustration (handout). See “Handbook Materials” (in Canvas Announcements) for MLA format and citation instructions.

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