Topic: Interview Study Paper Required Sections Introduction One solid paragraph

Topic: Interview Study Paper
Required Sections
Introduction One solid paragraph introducing the study
Code BookPresent your code book/list
Expect that it will be more complex than the one you did for diary studies
3-5 layers of depth are a good number to aim for
ProcessDescribe the process you followed in your analysis
In addition to identifying and describing individual coding methods, I’d like to see the following mentioned:Open/Closed coding
Analytic Memos
You should aim for at least 2 pages here. If you come up with less, double-check your analytic memos.
Data Collection (attached a pdf to refer data and then start the explanation of this section)Describe the protocol and the process of its creation
Identify and describe the research questions and their purpose
Describe the participants and the recruitment process
Describe the interviewing and transcription process
FindingsDefine and describe the themes you identified
Reflect on the relevance of your outcomes to the research questions
This is the bulk of the paper. Think carefully if you end up with less than 2 pages.
ConclusionsOne solid paragraph concluding the study and the paper
Personal Reflection

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