This assignment is to demonstrate your capability to write Python Program by cal

This assignment is to demonstrate your capability to write Python Program by calculating
Grading for the class.
Hi, Class,
This is our Term Project – Signature Assignment
Data file is in Class Content Area
This assignment is to ask you to write a Python program conduct Grading for the class -1.
Input Read the input score data from an external file given by Dr. Liu
This data file is arranged as following format (colon as delimeter)
Name. : ID : (Test1-Score) : (Test2- Score) : (HW- Score) : (Project-Score)
The percentage for semester is as following:
Test1 – 20%
Test2 – 20%
HW – 40%
Project – 20%
Processing: Computation
The total semester score = 20% * Test1 + 20% * Test2 + 40% * HW + 20% * Project
Once the total semester score is computed, use this number to determine the
Semester Grade by the following Rubric:
Total_Score > = 90. The Grade will be A
90 > Total_Score > = 80. The Grade will be B
80> Total_Score > = 70. The Grade will be C
70> Total_Score > = 60. The Grade will be D
60> Total_Score The Grade will be F
After all these steps, your program will print out the output into an External File – the Format will be like the following:
For example:
Name. ID. (Test1) (Test2) (HW) (Project) TotalScore Grade
Peter Pan. 01 80 80 80 80 80 B
Then repeat for another student until all data in the given data file is done.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: Programming of All

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