This assignment aims to correlate stages of lifespan development to my lived exp

This assignment aims to correlate stages of lifespan development to my lived experiences. I must add whether my lived experiences are similar to the literature on the stages. I really only need help with the research aspect of the stages. I can go in myself and add my personal experience I suppose. Feel free to use however many sources you think you may need; I figured 3-4 would suffice, but more or less is fine. (Due to finals, I really don’t have time to waste on such a busy work assignment.)
BUT, if you [the writer] feel like being creative, I am a female Army veteran who was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta. I have attached what I have written thus far–basically an introduction. If you could for sure add some info about each of the (3) developmental stages I listed, that would be GREAT! Thanks!

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