The topic for the class is American foreign policy. We will ask: “WHY do we figh

The topic for the class is American foreign policy. We will ask: “WHY do we fight?” The debate is between those who argue that the U.S. usually fight for democracy and those who believe we fight more for our economic self-interest (or more specifically the interests of American corporations). We also ask, “HOW did we fight?” In other words, do we tend to engage in conflicts using Multilateralism or Unilateralism?
In answering these questions, choose ONE of the following for your research:
1) Why did the U.S. help overthrow the democratically elected governments of the following countries?: (Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973) (choose one or two countries to focus on). Were these regime-changes inspired by the goal of furthering democracy or furthering an economic interest?
2) Research ONE of the following military conflicts and answer the questions: Why (and how) did the U.S. fight?:
Iran-Iraq War 1980 — 1988, Panama 1989, Iraq I 1990, Bosnia 1997)
Were these regime-changes inspired by the goal of furthering democracy or furthering an economic interest? Feel free to include any personal observations regarding each conflict.

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