The Impact of Technology on Mental Health: With the increasing use of technology

The Impact of Technology on Mental Health: With the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, it is important to understand its effects on our mental well-being. This topic would allow me to incorporate the social, natural, and humanities perspectives by examining the psychological research on technology’s impact on mental health, the sociological implications of our dependence on technology, and the philosophical debates surrounding the ethical use of technology. This topic is highly relevant in today’s society and would allow for a comprehensive analysis using the conventions of each discipline
Your paper should reach a minimum of four pages, 1000 – 1200 words. This includes only the paragraphs in the paper, not including the first page heading or the Works Cited page. Remember, the Works Cited page is still needed in the document!
For this assignment, you will draft a formal, academic essay in MLA format that outlines an argument about your selected topic.

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