The goal of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply psych

The goal of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply psychological scientific methods to the study of a legally-relevant research question.
Students will identify an empirically-testable psychological assumption or implication of the Allen charge in American courtrooms. They will then design a research study that could test whether that assumption/implication is justified, and develop a proposal that clearly describes their design. A good research proposal identifies the sample, procedure, measures/materials, design features, and limitations of the study.
Research Question: Have you identified a clear, scientifically testable research question? Does that question accurately target an assumption of the Allen charge? (2 points)
Design Clarity, Strengths, and Limitations: Have you clearly described the research design? Is it causal or correlational? Have you accurately identified all the variables you are measuring? Are they dependent, independent, or something else? What are the strengths and limitations of this design? Most of these answers will be covered in the method section, but you should also have a strengths and limitations section at the end. (10 points)
Sample, Procedure, and Measures: Who will you target for participants? You do not need to worry about recruitment or participant payment. For this assignment, you are free to act as though you’ll have access to whatever sample you intend to use. What will participants do in this study? (8 points)
Overall Organization & Clarity, Proper Citation of Sources: Is the presentation/paper organized along the conventions of psychological science? Is it easy to understand? This is where grammar, punctuation, and flow come into play. (5 points)
Required Structure:
Research Question
Measures & Materials
Strengths & Limitations

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