READ EVERYTHING Background: I will provide you with documents of my ethnographi

I will provide you with documents of my ethnographic research I conducted this semester. I just want you to write the discussion of literature and study findings. Make sure it is detailed.
My RQ: How do group dynamics and interpersonal relationships influence individual motivation and performance during group fitness sessions?”
Themes to explore: 1) Emergence and impact of leadership roles within the group—whether through natural evolution or by design—and how these roles influence the group’s collective motivation and workout approaches. 2) Motivation and support systems are also key; I’ll explore what drives individuals in the group and how support is exchanged among members. 3) explaining the interpersonal relationships with gym activities offers a rich outlook for analysis—how these relationships spill over into workouts and the potential blurring of personal and fitness boundaries. The interaction between individual aspirations and group goals will be dissected to understand how personal fitness journeys are shaped by the collective. 4) Conflict and cohesion present another area of intrigue. How does the group handle internal challenges, and what role does the gym’s environment play in conflict resolution?
Use all the documents as you see fit to know my research in order to write accurately. U can find your own sources for the literature or you can use the ones I already put in the updated game plan. Know it is not a literature review rather you are explaining how it helps experience, observation. Also examine the fit or if it deviates. Make sure it weaves in with research findings and themes.
Discussion of literature + study findings (3-5 pages total)
This can be one big section or two smaller ones—choose based on what allows you to
clearly express your points. This section or sections should include all of the following
(organized as you see fit):
-Engagement with the literature (at least three sources from our readings or things you
found on your own). If you discussed literature in your introduction, try not to repeat the
same information here. Use the literature to try and help you make sense of your
experiences. For example, do your observations fit with the readings you chose or
challenge them in some way? How?
-Discussion of your research findings (and any additional background I might need to
follow the discussion) and whether they confirmed your initial assumptions, challenged
them, or did both.
Don’t forget the ethnographic details! (Go back to the Ghodsee chapters we read in
week three for ideas.)

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