Question for the research paper: How did Spain compensate or provide retribution

Question for the research paper: How did Spain compensate or provide retribution to the Jews who were expelled during the Spanish Inquisition, and what were all of their intentions?
The paper requires that you engage primary sources so that you can derive meaning directly from the traces of the past and not be solely reliant on someone else’s judgement to tell you what it means.When you quote any source be sure to “do something with it”: ask questions of the source and point out its layers of meanings and explain how it either supports, contradicts or complicates the bigger argument you are making or the story you are telling.
6-8 pages, 12 pt font, double spaced.
Please write a good essay but do not use complicated or sophisticated words as I am an international student
You can use this sources: Primary:Friedman, Michal. “Reconstructing ‘Jewish Spain’: The Politics and Institutionalization…” Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies, CIDEHUS – Centro Interdisciplinar de História Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora, 31 Dec. 2014, (THIS PLEASE USE)
Kandiyoti, Dalia, and Rina Benmayor. “Sephardi Jews, Citizenship, and Reparation in Historical Context.” (THIS PLEASE USE)
Adatto, Kiku. “The Effects of the Spanish Inquisition Linger to This Day.” The University of Sydney, 21 Sept. 2018,
“Centro Sefard-Israel.” Centro Sefarad Israel, 27 Sept. 2023,
Bill Granting Spanish Citizenship to Sephardic Jews Jerusalem. Accessed 25 Dec. 2023
Secondary:Campbell, Meagan. “Spain’s Atonement: How the Country Plans to Make Amends for Killing …” National Post, 24 Oct. 2019,
Frayer, Lauren, and Emily Harris. “After 522 Years, Spain Seeks to Make Amends for Expulsion of Jews.” NPR, NPR, 25 Dec. 2014,
Caselli, Irene. “Los Judíos Sefardíes Argentinos Que Quieren (y No Quieren) Regresar a España 524 Años Después de Ser Expulsados.” BBC News Mundo, BBC, 1 Jan. 2017,
Drelichman, Mauricio, et al. “The Long-Run Effects of Religious Persecution: Evidence from the … – PNAS.” The Long-Run Effects of Religious Persecution: Evidence from the Spanish Inquisition, PNAS, 13 Aug. 2021,
“Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial Del Estado.” Ir a La Página de Inicio, 3 July 2007,
Jones, Sam. “Spain Fights to Dispel Legend of Inquisition and Imperial Atrocities.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 Apr. 2018,
If you need you could use more sources but please cite it at the end.

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