q1 Assume you are working as a psychologist working in Best & Best Cosmetics LLC

q1 Assume you are working as a psychologist working in Best & Best Cosmetics LLC. Presently you are involved in studying the relationships among employees that will affect the employees and the performance of business, you are also involved in studying worker satisfaction, motivation and commitment. Answer the following questions.
Name which field of psychology is associated with this case? (1 Mark)
Explain the above identified field of psychology. Also explain any two sub-fields of the above identified field of psychology, each with an example. (2 + 2 Marks)
Mr. Awadh is a Human Resource Manager, of a large manufacturing company in Muscat. You have been his assistant manager for the past three months. Recently you have been asked by Mr. Awadh, to find out the contributions of each employee in the ‘Production Section’ and ‘Marketing Section’ to monitor carefully whether they are meeting the standards set by the organization in the respective sections. After a few days you have completed your formal investigation and found that all employees of ‘Production Section’ and ‘Marketing Section’ seem not meeting the targets set by the organization. Along with numerous errors, employees of these mentioned sections work is characterized as ‘low performance’.
Do you think the low performance of the employee could be the cause of Role stressors? If so, specify any three different types of role stressors that employees face in the workplace. (3 Marks)

(b) Employees facing difficulty in doing their jobs because of unnecessary rules and procedures, and also due to lack of resources etc. These causes had contributed tremendous stress to all employees of the mentioned sections.
Do you consider that organizational conditions would detract or constraint employee performance? Explain four organizational constraints employees usually encounter at workplace. (2 Marks)

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