Provide preliminary background research on the site in question. Identify a part

Provide preliminary background research on the site in question. Identify a particular research question that could be investigated at the site. Develop a plan of research that seeks to investigate aspects of identity or ideology.
The paper should roughly follow this outline:
An Abstract(~0.5 pgs)
Provide a concise introduction to the paper, including key details of the site, previous work, your proposed work, and any conclusions.
An Introduction Section(~0.5-1 pg)
Provide a brief descriiption of the site (e.g., cultural affiliation, dimensions of the site, depth of deposits, types of archaeological remains recovered, etc.)
A Background Section of the previous project that includes(~3 pgs):
A concise summary of the research question(s) that structured their investigations of the site.
A brief descriiption of the methods employed at the site. This should include a short overview of field methods, laboratory analysis, and/or public outreach/collaboration.
Critique the major interpretations of the site. Was the site well suited to answer the research question(s) posed?
Investigating Identity and Ideology (~3 pgs):
Based on what you know about the site, identify a particular research question that could be investigated at the site (must related to identity and ideology).
Develop a plan of research to address the specific question. Be sure to:
Outline your methods. Discuss the kinds of data you would collect and how they would help you to answer your research question.
Provide some concluding remarks clearly outlining how this plan would address your proposed research question.
Full bibliographic entries: Any reports and/or publications you reference in your text should be listed in a ‘References Cited’ section. When referring to such publications in your text, use parenthetical citations.

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