Preventing Employment Discrimination Introduction: The importance of complying w

Preventing Employment Discrimination
The importance of complying with employment-related laws becomes particularly evident when reviewing discrimination cases. For this assignment, you will research a discrimination case and identify what occurred and what the organization could have done to prevent discrimination from occurring.
Go to the PG Library and search for an article on a recent court case that involved discrimination (for example, age, gender, disability, or national origin) in the hiring process. The court case should be no older than 2020. In a 2–3-page informative research paper, address the following items:
Provide the name of the case you chose and the reference information.
Assess the type of discrimination that was the basis of the case.
Assess whether the case involved internal or external recruitment practices.
Identify the law or laws involved.
Provide a summary of what happened that led to the discrimination claim.
Provide a summary of the key elements of the law or laws involved.
Recommend what the organization could have done differently to prevent the case from occurring.

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