Please provide a response for the case study questions. It is easy to miss the a

Please provide a response for the case study questions. It is easy to miss the actual problem in this case – read carefully and pay attention to the details. Remember to include the concepts from the reading!!
Case Analysis Questions:
Read and analyze the case – Race, Accountability, and the Achievement Gap.

1. Evaluate Montgomery County Public School’s efforts to ‘raise the bar’ and ‘close the gap’ between 1999 and 2005. What has been their strategy? How successful have they been at making meaningful progress?
2. Based on the data in the case, should Frieda Lacey and Jerry Weast be alarmed and feel MCP’s efforts are inadequate to close the gap.
3. What are the most significant obstacles to accelerating their district’s efforts to close the gap?
4. To what extent are race and racism significant issues in the case?
5. What is required for a district to effectively address the racial achievement gap?
6. Develop an action plan for Lacey, Weast, and MCP’s executive team. Be as explicit as possible about what and how they should approach the problem.
In addition to the responses to the case study, after the first part of the assignment has been completed and submitted, the second part of the assignment will be to respond to peers which I will send to you after the first part is completed. In the second part, you will need to please provide separate responses for peers which I will send to you after completion of the first part. The first and most important rule of discussions is to add value. The discussions are intended to be useful and productive. Professor will not reward minimum effort, and average will yield average grades. Posts should be concise and reflect proficient writing standards and professionalism. The first and most important rule of discussions is to add value. The discussions are intended to be useful and productive. Work to make your classmates want to read your thoughts! Online comments should be grammatically correct, without misspelled words or unacceptable abbreviations. Please do not use text-messaging vernacular such as “LOL.” Please be respectful, and ask questions/share experiences. If others ask questions in response to your posts, please do your best to answer them. Review the Discussion Rubric which I have attached for more details on grading

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