please I need you to write for me six pages each question half paragraph before

please I need you to write for me six pages each question half paragraph before you start writing read the power point .
In each of the following liability cases, investigate the case online and then answer the following questions:What event or series of events occurred to cause the need for a product liability suit?
Who are the plaintiffs?
What are they seeking?
What motivated them to file a product liability suit?
What is their point of view or defense?
What was the verdict?
Were there punitive damages?
Was the case appealed?
Did the judge change the amount of the reward?
Who were the expert witnesses involved?
What kind of loss control program would have helped the defendant?
How could quality assurance have been involved?
Q1. An elderly lady ordered a cup of coffee from McDonald’s drive through. She spilled the coffee in her lap, and it finally resulted in a lawsuit. The link below is a good source for the information required to answer the questions.The Real Story Behind the Infamous McDonald’s Coffee Case ( Investigate the issues surrounding the failure of Firestone tires on Ford vehicles. What was the final outcome of this product liability problem? What impact did the the situation have on the income statements of Firestone and Ford?Firestone and Ford tire controversy – Wikipedia

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