Need support in making 3 slides of PPT and a short presentation script that I ca

Need support in making 3 slides of PPT and a short presentation script that I can read from. (around 3 min)
The part I am in charge of presenting is:
slide 1.Production Schedule
slide 2. Cinematographer → include what their specialties are and credentials
slide 3. Editor → include what their specialties are and credentials
I also attached the previous sample presentation for the part I am in charge of for you as an example of what should the slide look like. The film we decide to produce and present is: A live-action film adaptation of the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1892). I will also attach detailed information of this film so that you can find a suitable Cinematographer and Editor and create a suitable production Schedule.
Since I only have around 3 min to present, so the presentation script should be straightforward and easy to follow and align with the ppt slide. You should check the sample slide and making the ppt as a similar organization.

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